Over 30 years of experience as an independent private equity player in the Benelux

For three decades, Sofindev has been an established player in the investment landscape. Sofindev was founded in 1991 by Sofina and Colruyt, two prominent family-controlled publicly listed groups. Since that time, Sofindev has evolved into a fully independent team and has embraced a wide number of respected families and (international) institutions in its investor pool. But what has remained is the DNA of our historical shareholders: no-nonsense, pragmatism, common sense and above all a human approach.
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Sofindev invests in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Benelux region with a view to create meaningful value. We focus on buyouts and growth capital investments in profitable companies with growth ambitions, where our experienced investment team can offer tangible added value.

Since the inception of Sofindev, more than 600 MEUR in capital has been invested in over 50 companies through our six funds (Sofindev I, II, III, IV, V and VI). Currently, the Sofindev Management team manages 3 active funds (Sofindev IV, V and VI), together representing more than 500 MEUR of committed capital. At the end of 2022, Sofindev launched a new fund, Sofindev VI, with a total size of 250 MEUR.

Each company is unique, each entrepreneur is unique. That is why we have a completely tailored approach to different entrepreneurs and companies.

Through real partnerships with ambitious entrepreneurs, we work together to create meaningful value. Sofindev's partnership approach is crystal clear. We only invest in successful companies. Our approach is to preserve and cherish the ingredients of success of the companies we invest in, and strengthen them through active support and professionalization. Sofindev is an experienced and dedicated partner. We are a sounding board for the entrepreneurs and management teams with whom we work. We broaden your view with our insights. Our interests are mutual. Together we create a framework for sustainable growth, which corresponds to your plans and vision and those of your management. This makes your business stronger and more independent.

The fact that our approach appeals to many entrepreneurs is reflected in the fact that many of the families and entrepreneurs with whom we have partnered have become investors in Sofindev.

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What can you expect from us?

We are a partner in the broad sense of the word. We are convinced that we can only in this way mean a true contribution. Here's why entrepreneurs choose us:

Realisation and diversification of wealth

For many entrepreneurs, their enterprise is the most important part of his or her personal wealth. Sofindev's entry enables you to secure and diversify a portion of your personal wealth. As a (reinvesting) shareholder, you will continue to be closely involved in the company and be able to benefit from future value creation.

Sparring partner with the same interests

Many entrepreneurs feel like they are on their own. You might have key employees or external advisors, but they do not have the same responsibility and concerns about the future of the company. By bringing Sofindev on board, you bring a partner on board who also has a stake in the future of the company. Our interests are the same as those of the entrepreneur: creating meaningful value. We are a sparring partner and a sounding board: we bring a different perspective on things and contribute to important decisions.

Support for growth transition

Growing can hurt. Expanding and creating value in a sustainable way is only possible if the organisation and structure grow with it. We offer support to give the company structure, organisation and management that correspond to the growth plans. This makes your business stronger, and keeps you from being on your own.

Provide growth and replacement capital

In addition to the capital that enables you to realise and diversify part of your wealth, we can provide capital to finance growth, both organically orthrough acquisitions. We help look for solutions to succession issues and discussions between active and silent partners and provide liquidity for shareholders who would like to sell.

Network, expertise and added value

We have proven experience in creating and implementing a framework and structure for sustainable growth. Our network and expertise extend far and cover themes such as: strategy, digitisation, partnerships, acquisitions, financing and internationalisation.

Attract and motivate external management

The presence of a partner like Sofindev increases the attractiveness of your company for external management. We set up certain structures to allow management to participate in value creation. In an environment where a 'war for talent' prevails, it is an enormous advantage to be able to bind and incentivise key management with instruments whose value is linked to the growth of the company.

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A proven track record in a variety of sectors

With investments in over 50 companies spread over three decades, Sofindev has gained extensive experience in a wide range of sectors and environments. We helped grow these companies and gave them the space and support they needed to strengthen their market position. We helped strengthen and professionalise management.
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Integrity, mutual trust through transparency

Sofindev's experienced team and the respected family and institutional investors who form the backbone of Sofindev offer you the necessary stability. With Sofindev, you're not alone. Personal involvement, pragmatism, transparency and respect are our firm values. We listen to your needs and concerns and take your business to the next level.

A reliable partnership
focused on value creation

As a partner, we want to develop a relationship that rests on trust, respect, transparency, personal involvement, and commitment. That's how we operate, always. Together we create meaningful value for the companies, the entrepreneurs, our investors, but also for our environment and society.
Learn more about our investment strategy
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